Call Santa Voicemail & Text


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This is the N.o 1 MUST-HAVE Call Santa Voicemail app and the ONLY app where you can call Santa Claus, listen to his voicemail message then record & play back a voice message for him just like real! Text him your presents & he replies just like real too!Call Santa Claus at the North Pole and listen to his voice message then he gives you the choice to add someone to the naughty or nice lists, tell him what presents you want or just record him a personalized phone message to say hello. You can also listen back to your recording and if you are not happy with it record it again. Add yourself or as many people as you like to the naughty and nice lists and ask for as many presents as you like!
- Call Santa Claus anytime, his voicemail is always active. No airtime or data is used as it is not a live call.
- Text message Santa Claus and he replies just like real! No airtime or data is used as it is not a live text.
- Press button 4 when you hear Santas voice talking to listen to a special magic elf poem about the holiday season.
- Parents can use this app to encourage good behaviour from your children as you can call Santa Claus anytime and add your children to the naughty and nice lists during the countdown to Christmas.
- NO personal data is collected by this portable app.
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Brought to you by the makers of the hugely successful Naughty or Nice Photo Scanner (not finger scanner).
2015 Fake Father Christmas festive picture by Jonathan G Meath (Jonathan G Meath) [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons